2. Jeanette's note: 這是一個英文網頁有關Janeite珍迷一詞的說明 似乎與下一篇中文報導有些不同 我請老公幫我研究一下 再來寫後續報導
首先 我想討論一下我請我老公去考據 Janeite 一詞的出處 他回給我的信
Well, that's funny, the blog you linked says Claudia Johnson coined the term "Janeite", but it also has a link to the Wiki page on Janeite, which says that "The term Janeite was originally coined by the literary scholar George Saintsbury in his 1894 introduction to a new edition of Pride and Prejudice."
Claudia Johnson is still living, so she can't have coined the term. The Wiki page also mentions that Rudyard Kipling wrote a story entitled "Janeites", which must be what the Chinese article is referring to, but I have to go with the Wiki article, since it has citations from a book and quotes from a Jane Autin scholar. Also, Kipling's story was about World War I soldiers, so was written long after 1894.
他說這個詞是由 George Saintsbury 在 1894 最早使用的 與這位作者說的不同)
吉卜齡與拜珍教徒 是一篇中文報導 全文在
主角是個粗人,在歐戰中負傷仍不退役,自願上西線做個炊事小兵。他發現,高級軍官之間好像有個秘密結社「拜珍教」,無論誰,不管層級多低,只要讀透珍.奧斯汀,說出通關密語,就能與這些軍官平起平坐。主角開始囫圇吞棗,讀不懂亦不罷休。一日敵軍炮火格外猛烈,整個部隊都陣亡了,身負重傷的主角出口即珍言珍語,巧的是搶救傷患的護士亦嗜珍如命,主角因此受到特別照護得以存活,等於是珍二姑救了他一命。 奧斯汀的世界莫非舞會、牌局、適合散步的莊園綠野,拜珍教徒中的世界卻是炮火、操課、血泥橫飛的陰暗戰壕。奧斯汀筆下角色都是君子遠庖廚,家中皆有僕歐,〈拜珍教徒〉寫的卻是一名談吐粗鄙的炊事小兵。奧斯汀的結局總是大團圓,拜珍教徒的結局卻是一整代青年的死亡與瘋狂。然而,主角從頭到尾卻說得眉飛色舞,開開心心,因為他讀珍奧斯汀。 "